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Stop Repossession in Florida: 3 Immediate Steps to Take When Facing Loss of Property

By The Golden Law Group

Don’t Lose Your Car: Take Action Now to Stop Repossession in Florida

Facing vehicle repossession in Florida can be a stressful situation. Fortunately, Florida repossession laws offer certain protections to borrowers. However, taking timely action is crucial. This article outlines three immediate steps you can take to potentially prevent your car from being repossessed. By understanding your options and acting quickly, you may be able to regain control of the situation and explore solutions to get back on track financially.

Quick Summary:

  • Repossession occurs when you’re unable to pay back a loan, allowing lenders to take possession of your vehicle without court involvement, though they cannot use force.
  • In Florida, lenders can repossess your vehicle without prior notice after default, but they must avoid breaching the peace during repossession and provide written notice within 45 days post-repossession.
  • Acting swiftly is essential to prevent the loss of transportation, protect your credit score, explore options like loan modification or repayment plans, and understand your rights under Florida law.
  • 3 Immediate Steps to Stop Repossession in Florida: First, you must contact your lender, then, gather the important documents like the loan agreement, payment history, and proof of income. Lastly, explore all your options and seek professional help.

What Is a Repossession? 

If you can’t pay back a loan for something like a car, the lender can take it back, that is called repossession. They can usually do this without going to court first. But they can’t use force. If they do, you can sue. If they can’t take it peacefully, they might go to court to get permission.

Understanding Repossession in Florida

Facing car repossession can be a daunting experience. If you live in Florida and are behind on your car loan payments, here’s a breakdown of the repossession process and your rights as a borrower under Florida law.

When Can Repossession Happen?

Florida law allows lenders to repossess your vehicle without prior notice once you default on your loan (usually after one or more missed payments). However, they cannot breach the peace by using violence or threats of violence during the repossession.

What Happens After Repossession?

Once repossessed, the lender has two options:

  • Notice: After repossessing the car, the lender must notify you in writing within 45 days. This notice will detail your rights to redeem or recover the vehicle.
  • Redemption or Sale: You have the right to redeem your vehicle by paying the full loan amount, any late fees, and towing/storage charges. If you don’t redeem the car, the lender can sell it at a public auction or private sale.

Important Information for Florida Borrowers

Below is the following important information to consider for Florida borrowers. 

  • Deficiency Balance: If the sale of the car doesn’t cover the loan amount, you may be responsible for the remaining balance (deficiency balance).
  • Notice of Sale: The lender must provide written notice (at least 10 days in advance) before a public auction.
  • Personal Belongings: Repo agents must inventory any personal belongings found in the car. You have a limited window to claim them after receiving notification.

When Can’t I (Florida Car Lender)Ask for Extra Money?

If you’re in Florida and you can’t pay for your car anymore, the lender can’t ask you for extra money if what you owe is less than $2,000 when you stopped paying.

Even if you owe more than $2,000, if the lender didn’t do things right when taking your car and selling it, you might still have a way to avoid paying extra money.

Why Immediate Action is Crucial in Stopping Florida Repossession? 

The sight of a tow truck approaching your car can be a heart-stopping moment.  Facing potential repossession in Florida is a stressful situation, but it’s crucial to remember – time is your most valuable asset. Here’s why taking immediate action is critical:

  • Prevent the Loss of Transportation: Your car is likely essential for work, errands, and everyday life. Repossession creates a major disruption and can significantly impact your daily routine.
  • Protect Your Credit Score: Repossession has a severe negative impact on your credit score, making it harder and more expensive to borrow money in the future.
  • Explore Options: The sooner you act, the more options you have. You might be able to work out a repayment plan, loan modification, or even sell the car yourself to pay off the loan.
  • Florida Repossession Laws: While Florida law doesn’t require lenders to notify you before repossession, some may do so as a courtesy. Acting quickly allows you to explore your rights under Florida law and potentially prevent the repossession from happening in the first place.

The longer you wait, the fewer options you have.  By taking immediate action, you regain control and empower yourself to find a solution that works for your situation.

3 Immediate Steps to Stop Repossession in Florida

Facing potential car repossession is stressful, but don’t panic! Here are 3 actionable steps you can take right now to fight back and potentially keep your car:

1. Contact Your Lender Immediately and Advocate for Yourself – Time is your enemy. The moment you realize you’re behind on payments, pick up the phone and call your lender directly (Fla. Stat. § 95.10(1)). Explain your situation and express your willingness to find a solution.  Inquire about potential options like:

a. Loan Modification: This could involve extending the loan term or lowering your monthly payment.

b. Repayment Plan: Work with your lender to create a realistic plan to catch up on missed payments over a set period (Fla. Stat. § 95.10(2)(a)).

c. Voluntary Surrender: Discuss the possibility of voluntarily surrendering the car in exchange for a potential reduction in the deficiency balance (the remaining loan amount after the car is sold) (Fla. Stat. § 95.10(3)).

2. Gather Important Documents and Be Prepared – Be prepared when communicating with your lender. Having documentation readily available demonstrates your seriousness and strengthens your position.  Collect documents like:

a. Loan Agreement: This outlines your loan terms and potential fees associated with late payments or repossession.

b. Payment History: This provides a clear picture of your current delinquency and helps you calculate potential catch-up payments.

c. Proof of Income: Demonstrating your ability to generate income can improve your chances of securing a loan modification or repayment plan.

3. Explore All Your Options and Consider Seeking Professional Help – Don’t limit yourself to just your lender’s suggestions. Consider seeking professional guidance.

Consult a Bankruptcy Attorney: An attorney who is focused on repossession can provide valuable insights and legal support (Fla. Bar Association). They can help you understand your rights in detail, negotiate with your lender more effectively, and explore additional options to potentially save your car, such as filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy which can create a repayment plan for your defaulted loan (11 U.S.C. § 1322(b)(5)).

Taking these immediate steps can empower you to confront the situation head-on, potentially prevent repossession, and protect your vehicle.  Remember, the sooner you act, the more options you have at your disposal.

Don’t Lose Your Car: Fight Repossession in Florida with Golden Law Group!

Facing car repossession is a nightmare, leaving you feeling powerless and frustrated. But don’t lose hope! Taking immediate action and understanding Florida repossession laws, can make all the difference.

Here’s where Golden Law Group in Brandon, Florida steps in as your champion. Our experienced bankruptcy attorneys are dedicated in helping Florida residents fight repossession. We understand the urgency and emotional toll this situation takes, and we’re here to guide you through every step of not just repossession but the overall debt solutions.

With Golden Law Group, you can: Regain control with your lender, explore solutions to keep your car, and protect your rights. 

Don’t wait until it’s too late. Contact Golden Law Group today for a free consultation. We’re here to fight for you and your car!


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